French Noir
Need Something Extra?
A bright and coppery brew with a rich flavour and smooth finish with hints of vanilla.Story
Through the 1920's and the early 1930's, following the end of the first world war, the city of Paris was alive with post-war jubilation. The economy was booming and Paris was once again the heart of the European art world; painters, sculptors, writers, musicians and actors poured into the city filling the cafes day and night. It wasn't unusual to find the famous and infamous drinking, dancing and arguing together about literature, politics and art. Through this period and for decades to follow black tea had replaced all other types of tea across Europe and tea traders would use flavourings to hide poor quality tea; bergamot flavouring was common but other flavours including vanilla were also used. French Noir is a rich, dark tea known in France as the Festive Tea and looks to recreate the Art Deco teas that were drunk by the likes of Hemingway, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Coco Chanel and Cole Porter.